Conversations With God (3 eBooks)



Conversations With God (3 eBooks) |PDF, EPUB, MOBI, AWZ3| 电子书,ebook


Book #1: Neal Donald Walsch was experiencing a low period in his life when he decided to write a letter to God, venting his frustrations. What he did not expect was a response. As he finished his letter, he was moved to continue writing – and out came extraordinary answers to his questions. This work presents the answers that Walsch received, helping him to change himself, his life and the way he viewed other beings.

Book #2: Neale Donald Walsch isn’t claiming to be the Messiah of a new religion, just a frustrated man who sat down one day with pen in hand and some tough questions in his heart. As he wrote his questions to God, he realized that God was answering them–directly–as he wrote. The result was an international bestseller that is full of matter-of-fact, direct wisdom on how to get by in life while remaining true to yourself and your spirituality.They discuss time, space, politics, and even kinky sex. This is an honest look at some of the broad issues important to all of us, and an idea about how things might change if we are willing to open our minds and have our own conversations with divinity.

Book #3: The third book in Walsch’s trilogy, Conversations with God 3 moves from individual and global issues to “universal truths,” which apply to all levels of existence from the microscopic to the macrocosmic. Walsch explores some of the most profound questions of our time: What happens when we die? What is time? Are we alone in the universe?

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